Thursday, August 16, 2018

If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Stronglifts 5x5

It's cliché to say, but, man...if only I could combine some of the wisdom I've acquired in my early to mid 30's back to when I was 21 or 22. Those kinds of thoughts are magnified when you're talking about gaining muscle and strength, when an average male peaks in terms of strength gains somewhere between 18 and 22. Maybe some of the pitfalls I've encountered through the years couldn't have been avoided. I'm extremely stubborn, I don't like to ask for help, and I like to figure things out on my own. Over time, I gained more knowledge in this area mostly "by osmosis" I guess: an article here, a tip from a (much stronger) friend there. But eventually, whatever slight progress and gains I was making would stop, and I would plateau.

Finally around this time last year, I gave in (in a way). I googled "how to increase your max bench." I sifted through some things that were mostly garbage, but I also came across several programs and routines that offered step-by-step instructions showing how to get from point A to point B. The reason I decided on 1 particular program (more on that program at some point down the road) was because it was so formulaic. It specified how many times a week you trained chest, how many weeks the program lasted, and calculated the weight of every set based on some predetermined parameters. And what do you know? After 6 weeks (that was the program length), my max bench press increased. So impressed was I that I repeated the whole program again based on my newly established 1 rep max, and, worked again. What a novel concept: there might be people on this planet who actually know more about something than, use them!

And so began my love for this formulaic kind of workout approach. These programs may not be for everyone, but I've found they are perfect for me. Because every workout is laid out ahead of time, it takes out the guess work of what exercises you're doing a particular day. I tend to be in and out of the gym much faster now then before because there is less thought involved and less wasted time as a result. You can also do these types of workouts completely on your own because that printout or that app on your phone is your personal trainer or workout buddy. Some people find they do better working out with someone. I enjoy the company every once in a while, but in general I like working out in a quiet empty gym. Maybe that makes me a psychopath, but that's what works for me. The formulaic workout program also appeases the nerdy, math-loving, science-experimenty part of me. Calculate x, follow steps a, b, c, and d, and get result y. And from my experience, the programs I've tried actually give you positive results.

This leads me to Stronglifts 5x5. After increasing my 1 rep max on the bench 15 pounds in like 6 months (after increasing it like 5 pounds in the previous 6 years), I found that my squatting had become pretty stagnant as well. At first I thought about just modifying the bench program that I had been doing for squats, but after a little digging I found Stronglifts. The general ideas behind Stronglifts 5x5 is almost numbingly simple. It focuses on the 5 big compound movements (squatting, bench pressing, bent-over rowing, deadlifting, and overhead pressing). You do 3 workouts a week alternating between squat, bench, and row and squat, overhead press, and deadlift, 5 sets of 5 reps for everything, and the weight for each exercise goes up 5 pounds each workout.

The weights for each exercise start painfully light at the onset of the program, but going up 5 pounds for each exercise makes things heavy in a hurry (especially for squats). I'm 11 weeks in, and my last workout included a 5x5 of what my 1 rep max was prior to beginning Stronglifts. The other great part about Stronglifts is that you record and can track your progress all in 1 handy-dandy app on your phone. If you fail an exercise at a certain weight a certain number of times, there is even programming in the app that drops the weight down automatically.

At this point, I'm not sure how long I will continue it (until I stop seeing gains I guess??). I'm starting to struggle going up in weight on the overheard press. Based on past experience, I know I will be at my 5 rep max on the bench press in a couple of weeks too. The squatting is getting more difficult, but I'm in uncharted territory at this point. But even if I never improve my max on any of the other 4 exercises as a result of this program, I feel like I already accomplished my goal because I was just looking to improve my squat numbers anyway. If this sounds like some unpaid advertising for Stronglifts, well, it kind of is. It's worked for me thus far, and I'm happy with the results. If you're interested in building strength check out the link above or search for Stronglifts 5x5 in your app store.

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