Thursday, August 9, 2018

Back Again's been nearly 4 years since my last post. (I can't believe I have 265 of 'em on here. I'm not nearly interesting enough to have 265 posts.) A lot has changed. I have 3 (THREE!) kids running around at home now. A professional Washington sports franchise won a championship (hockey, but still...). And...well maybe not that much else has changed!

Why the return? In short, I have no friends anymore. No, no! I'm not saying that in a pathetic please-feel-bad-for-me way. And no, I don't actually have zero friends, but you get the idea. That's just sort of what happens. Married, 3 kids, don't get out's not a complaint, it's just life.

Basically, even at the age of 33 I still need somewhere to release my semi-coherent ramblings on sports, fitness, and whatever other stupid thing pops into my head once in a while. I love my wife, but I am too humane to subject her to too much of my nonsense at any one time. My kids are still too young. If I had a dog, I would probably just scream things at it every once in a while. "You can't switch a big out on Steph Curry at the top of the key, Dusty!" (Dusty seems like a good imaginary dog name.)

So, I'm here. We'll see how long this lasts. My last post was 4 days before my middle kid, Jordan was born. Writing mostly nonsensical things that no one ever read (except for me) didn't seem all that important at the time. But I think writing those nonsensical things that no one ever read made me a little bit more sane.

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